Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Play Critique Essay

The play being discussed in this critique will be Metamorphoses written and originally directed by Mary Zimmerman. The URI Theatre department produced its own version directed by Steven Raider-Ginsburg. It was performed between the dates of February 21-March 3, 2013. Costume design was by David T Howard, Scene design by Patrick Lynch. Lighting design was handled by Christian Wittwer and Sound design was by Michael Hyde. This production shows students continuing their development as actors thru the form of Theatre. Metamorphoses is a play that is staged as a series of vignettes. It was originally based on the poem by the Roman poet Ovid. He uses ancient Greek Mythology to explain the events happening in the vignettes. Gods like Poseidon, Hermes Americo Lanni. Or Hades and Midas played by Brandon Gailliard. Zeus and Bacchus were played by Benjamin Hill. Who could forget Aphrodite played by Catherine Poirier. Metamorphoses is not a conventional arrangement and has a non-linear point of view. A linear dramatic action may be set as with the following steps, one- A state of equilibrium, two- An inciting incident, three.- Point of attack of the major dramatic question, four- Rising action, five- Climax, six- Resolution and seven- New state of equilibrium. First one event, then the next and the following one after that and so on and so forth. Metamorphoses does not follow this laid out set of steps and no single analysis can make it follow this formula. However each of the separate stories embedded within the play is in itself a â€Å"well-made play† within a play. Each story can be easily followed and analyzed through a look at the seven parts already established. An example that can easily demonstrate and lay out the structure is the story of Erysichthon described within Metamorphoses. When it comes to the actual production of the play there are several differences between individual performances of this play. The original play was done on water, I understand that would not be possible here. The lighting however did work for most of the play. The one part in particular I didn’t like was for the lightning strike, maybe make the lighting fixture in the shape of a lightning bolt? Set design was another area I took particular attention to during the play. When it got dark in between scenes that’s when I knew changes were being made but I can honestly say I never was able to see anyone making changes even though you knew they were there. The costume design for this play was also another challenge to create I saw. The play tended to jump a couple centuries at a time with leads to vastly different wardrobe changes. Like in the beginning they were wearing very basic white sheets, yet underneath you could notice the other layers they would be needing for later. The sound however was probably the biggest drawback for this play. Maybe it’s because the speakers aren’t the greatest but it seemed at times the special effect sounds were quitter than the actors, you couldn’t even notice it at times when you were supposed to. Overall this was a very satisfying Theatre performance for me to see. It was my first but probably will not be my last, I look forward to enjoying more.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Case Study Analysis: The Need for Time Management Essay

According to Karen M. Williams, the â€Å"poor management of time will prevent a business from reaching its full potential† (1994, p. 1). Carl Robin’s case study is the perfect example of why time management is a crucial skill in the business world. Carl has been a campus recruiter for ABC Inc. for six months and recently hired fifteen new trainees who will work under the Operations Supervisor Monica Carrolls. Carl’s primary objective is to hold a new hire orientation; unfortunately, he let several key issues fall through the cracks and now it seems as though the orientation will not happen. Time management is extremely important and should have been used when coordinating recruitment activities. There are many arguments that could be made in this case study such as Carl being too new to his job to be in charge of the recruiting process, or that there should be more people involved in the effort overall. In this analysis a discussion will be made on the causal ch ain of problems that occurred because of Carl’s poor choices and inability to use his time wisely. As a result of Carl procrastinating and not using time management effectively, a causal chain of trouble was created. In order to fix this chain of trouble Carl must employ time management. Carl Robins was not prepared for leading the recruitment process. According to the case study, Carl is in a panic because his June 15th orientation is ruined because none of the elements are in place. If he was prepared to lead the recruitment process then he would have known to employ good time management skills. A little less than three months should have been enough time to coordinate the orientation and ensuring that all other issues are taken care of before the June 15th orientation meeting. Carl needed to be on top of all the different pieces that are involved in the recruitment process. Since call had only been employed for a few months, Carl did not know how to use good time management skills. This is a common  occurrence when time management is not used properly (Williams, 1994). Since Carl was new to the company he did not know that time management skills are necessary to complete each task in time for the orientation. There were several tasks that needed to be completed by Carl before the orientation in order for it to be a success. For example, Carl needed to create a training schedule and organize the orientation. Organization of the orientation included scheduling the meeting and ensuring that no other events were taking place in the training room during that time. He also had to put together manuals and policy booklets for trainees, and coordinate their physicals and drug tests. Carl also needed to make sure all these tasks were completed by trainees. He then had to ensure that each trainee’s transcript and application was on file prior to the orientation. None of these tasks were complete as of two weeks before the orientation date. Since Carl could not complete the tasks as required, the orientation will not be successful. The case study indicates that Carl procrastinated. Procrastination led to Carl not completing the required tasks in time. Procrastination can be a serious problem in the workplace which results in the need for â€Å"fires† to constantly be put out (Estroff Marano, 2003). Procrastination leads to people waiting until the last minute to attempt tasks. In this case, Carl looked into the tasks that needed to be completed only a couple weeks before the due date. There are numerous reasons that people procrastinate according to Kantra (2010). Some of the most common reasons for procrastination include the desire to avoid discomfort, or the need for perfection causes people to avoid doing a task; for example a person may decide to put off a task because they feel they can’t give 100% to the task (2010). Some people also suffer from self-doubt that they won’t be able to complete the task at hand; and there are some people who are just plain lazy (2010). In Carl’s case it is difficult to say with certainty what caused him to procrastinate as much as he did. As a new employee of the company it is possible that Carl suffered from self-doubt since he has never handled a recruitment event on his own. Regardless of the reason, it is evident that the reason none of the orientation tasks were not completed was because Carl procrastinated. Carl did not utilize his time well because he didn’t use time management. Carl should have used time management skills to ensure that all the orientation tasks were completed. By implementing time management skills Carl would havebeen able to better utilize his time. For example, he could have created a chart of what tasks needed to be completed and by when. Instead of waiting until the end to determine that drug tests and physicals were not complete, Carl could have informed trainees immediately what they needed to do and made arrangements for them to go to the clinic by the end of April. Another time management skill that would have helped Carl utilize his time better would be to review the existing policy and manual booklets within the first month to decide what was missing and fix them. The Operations Supervisor informed Carl of the various tasks that were needed by June 15th. This gave Carl an entire month to complete the above mentioned tasks and he assured his supervisor that everything would be completed; unfortunately, Carl was wrong. Carl did not utilize his time well because he didn’t use time management. Scheduling conflicts were also a problem in this case study. When Carl checked on some of the tasks at the end of May (after Memorial Day), nothing was completed and the training room was booked .Carl had not checked with the training room schedule to determine whether it was free on June 15th. As a result, another employee was using it for the entire month for his training class. This is a huge problem that could have been avoided if Carl had been better prepared. Carl should have double checked everything prior to the orientation to ensure that no last minute details were overlooked. Scheduling is a part of time management. Carl had a list of tasks that he needed to complete such as booking the orientation room. The orientation room was not available because of scheduling conflicts. This case study demonstrates conflicts of schedule. Carl should come up with an alternative plan of action. Carl was faced with the decision of whether he should just admit he failed and face the conseq uences of his actions, or make an attempt at fixing this problem. Carl will likely have to admit to his supervisor that he made many mistakes in coordinating the orientation since the supervisor will likely question any changes to the schedule. However, he should not give up, but rather come up with an alternative. An alternative plan is needed, which should have been a part of his process to begin with it. There should always be a plan B. Alternative solutions to Carl’s immediate problem are a few though. If Carl is to forge ahead in hopes of actually holding the orientation then he needs to move fast. He has approximately two weeks from the point he discovers the problems to the date  of the orientation. If he moves efficiently and uses effective time management skills, he should still be able to hold the orientation. Carl must create an alternative plan of action in order for the orientation to be held on time. Now that Carl knows there are major problems he must sit down and creatively come up with a plan. First, he must contact trainees and have them report to the clinic within the next 48 hours. This of course, is not ideal and would put a lot of pressure on the trainees, but it must be done. If for some reas on some of the trainees cannot do it within the 48 hour time frame, an extension could be made, but it cannot extend longer than the end of the first week. This is because he will need to have time to collect results, and take appropriate actions based on those results, which will take a few days. He must also contact the Human Resources department and get copies of all fifteen applications and transcripts. If they do not have copies, then Carl must contact the trainees and have them deliver them to him no later than at the end of the first week. During that first week, Carl must also search for an alternative room for the orientation. It might be possible to hold the orientation in another room within the company. Perhaps there is an auditorium or meeting room that can be used. Carl must be creative in order to create a plan. Once the most time consuming tasks are complete, Carl must address the policy and manual handbooks. This can be done in the second week to allow for the more important issues to be handled during the first week. This can be a fairly easy task. Any policy or manual documentation that isn’t available should be available at the Human Resources department. Once he receives the documents, he can copy the pages and then put them together. This is the final task that needs to be completed and can be accomplished in just a day. There is also always the possibility of moving the date of the orientation to after June when the orientation room would be available. This would also give Carl enough time to coordinate the various tasks that need to be completed. The problems that occur with this approach are that it is unprofessional and will give the company a bad impression of Carl, especially since this is his first attempt at recruiting. Also, Carl’s original plan was to get the trainees working by July. To move the orientation date into July would go against his original plan. Therefore, moving the date of orientation is not an acceptable alternate solution. As previously mentioned Carl’s options are limited. The  fact that he is new at this particular position calls for a quick and effective solution to the problem. His supervisor will know that something went wrong when she sees that the orientation loca tion has been moved. It is for this reason that Carl’s best choice is to admit he made a mistake, but then demonstrate that he has remedied that mistake effectively. When he approaches the supervisor about the mistake, he should have proof in hand of the new plan and all the completed tasks. The blame should not be entirely placed on Carl seeing as he is a new hire in his position of recruiter. As a new hire, he should have had someone assisting him through the steps of coordinating a new trainee orientation. There is also no mention of an employee handbook, or similar that would have helped him through the process. Having a partner or superior, as well as a manual for directions, is common in the workplace which is why it is surprising that these were not present in the case study. Perhaps the organization itself is not well organized. A large project such as the one Carl was working on calls for collaboration. Collaboration in an organization is of critical importance. As mentioned above, it was surprising that Carl did not have a superior to walk him through his first recruitment event. This does not mean, however, that Carl couldn’t have approach a fellow employee for assistance. If Carl had reached out to fellow employees, perhaps the tasks would have been completed on time through collaborative efforts. Research has shown that collaboration creates a flexible and productive workplace (Beyerlein, et al., 2003). It is unknown whether ABC Inc. fosters a collaborative environment; however, reaching out to coworkers for assistance in not usually frowned upon by management in most companies. Carl should have sought to collaborate on the recruitment project. Effective time management would have helped Carl complete each task and to recognize certain problems, such as the unavailable training room, prior to the June 15th deadline. Carl had an opportunity to demonstrate his recruitment skills for the first time and two weeks prior to the project deadline was faced with the fact that he might fail. Unfortunately none of the tasks were completed and the room was unavailable to him. The only appropriate choice was to attempt to get all tasks completed within the two week span before the orientation date. This is unprofessional and will  highlight his mistakes to his supervisor; however, it is better to fix the mistakes and then admit them, rather than to admit to the mistakes and not fix them at all. Effective time management skills would have helped Carl to successfully fulfill his recruitment event tasks. References Beyerlein, M.M., Freedman, S., McGee, C., and Moran, L. (2003). The Ten Principles of Collaborative Organizations. Journal of Organizational Excellence. Retrieved March 29, 2012 from Estroff Marano, H. (2003). Procrastination: Ten Things to Know. Psychology Today. Retrieved on March 14, 2012 from Kantra, D.S. (2010). Just Do It! Why People Procrastinate. PsychDigest. Retrieved March 29 2012 from Williams, K.M. (1994). Tips on Effective Time Management. Ohio State University. Retrieved on March 14, 2012 from

Monday, July 29, 2019

Managing Quality, Risk and Cost in Health Care Essay

Managing Quality, Risk and Cost in Health Care - Essay Example There is ample evidence that shows that effective management of service quality and patient safety could bring about vast improvement and desired results. Managing service quality, for example, could improve efficiency and costs and bring about patient satisfaction. On the other hand, improving the standards of patient safety is imperative because it lessens the risks of errors in clinical practice and secures the health and well-being of patients. Theoretically, managerial concerns in these two areas are deemed separate and distinct from each other because whilst one is evidently organisational in nature, the other involves actual clinical practice. The broadness of the concept of quality care, however, necessarily includes patient safety as a subset. Nonetheless, this connection and the commonalities of variables found in these two functions do not necessarily entail their integration. Patient safety is an important, and the primary, function of healthcare and deserves a separate t reatment from service quality. The quality of the service in health care is critically determined by the design of the process or processes that makes up the service. In health care organisations, the services offered are not tangibles but are processes or sets of processes. The process or processes themselves may not be entirely understood by patients but their quality is perceived, from the point of view of patients, from the design of the process or processes. This is because it is the design that shapes and directs the interaction between health provider and patients and serves the defining moment or the critical incident between them. This moment or incident by which the health provider interacts with the member or patient may be called a service encounter. A service encounter greatly impacts upon a member because it is at this point that the latter is given the opportunity to form his or her impression of the health provider’s service quality (Taylor &

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Brief synopsis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 3

Brief synopsis - Assignment Example The article shows through interviews with John, who suffered greatly and later had a sex change back to being male, that the true facts of the case were suppressed by the medical establishment and that many such operations were both wrong and ineffective. Nowadays the medical advice is to raise childred cosmetically in one or other gender, until the child himself or herself can participate in permanent physical and hormonal re-assignment decisions. This web page gathers materials relating to the case of a young gay man called Matthew Shepard who was killed in 1998 in a violent way by homophobic people in his home town of Laramie, Wyoming. Soon after his death, which shocked the nation, interviews were held with members of the local community. Following that a play was written, to explore the origins and consequences of prejudice and hate against gay people. The website gathers articles and reports on the original crime, reactions to it, the play and its reception, and reflections ten years later on what these efforts have done to highlight the ongoing issue of homophobic violence. It is a useful collection of fact and opinion, keeping the issue alive, and reminding people not to be complacent about instances of homophobia in their community, however mild they seem at first, because they can escalate into terrible consequences. This is a campaigning website providing information and links on the subject of equality for gay and straight people in marriage laws. There is very useful map of all the states of America showing where marriage is legal for homosexual couples, where civil partnerships allowed, and where few or not rights in terms of partnership and marriage are allowed in all the different state laws. There is a possibility to make a pledge for gay equality and donate funds. Articles and information are gathered and this is a serious, comprehensive presentation of arguments and facts in favour of legalizing marriage for gay people uniformly across all

What Are the Differences Between School Performance, Operation and Essay

What Are the Differences Between School Performance, Operation and Challenges Before and After the P1 Status - Essay Example The available data on student performance has demonstrated recommendable improvement in schools’ performances. All players have employed effective and practical measures and policies to necessitate attractive academic result. To begin with, the education sector in the United States has replaced the school staffs that are immaterial in the contemporary education systems. Secondly, the education sector has instituted a new curriculum that incorporates the necessary professional development to all staffs. Thirdly, the management authority at the school level was significantly cut down to give room for consultation. Finally, the education sector was advised to recruit external experts to offer appropriate advice on the educational demands of the contemporary job market (Scott-little, 2009). Despite the significant improvement in schools performance after the introduction of P1 status, the P1 Schools have encountered various demanding complications. For instance, parents with better-performing students have the tendency of withdrawing their students in P1 schools leaving poor performers in the P1 system in order to maintain their family’s socio-economic status. This setback has, as a result, complicated the schools’ plan to move out of P1 status.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

History of the Mayan Culture based on remains found by archaeologists Research Paper - 1

History of the Mayan Culture based on remains found by archaeologists - Research Paper Example nt Mayan culture in the light of the available records discovered by their predecessor archaeologists for comparing the facts and figures related to the distinguished civilization under consideration. Although no authentic written record is available portraying the exact picture of pre-history Mayan, the relics estimate the very fact that the ancient civilization of the Mayan region existed somewhat between 200 BCE and 800 CE in Mexico and its adjacent areas situated in North America geographically in the north east of the Pacific Ocean (Forrest, 2004:7). Consequently, only contextual analyses could be made in order to define the domestic life, community organization, trade and business and political structure of Mayan civilization in the light of figures and ancient writings (Marcus, 172). In addition, Keen & Haynes (2004:52) also endorse the estimation that the region of Mayan culture encompassed present day Belize, and parts of southern Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras, where the community experienced highest influential political and economic position and esteem from 200 to 900 CE in comparison to its neighboring areas. Although less than 1% or so is known to the p resent world about the Mayan people (Keen & Haynes: 53), yet the relics demonstrate that the individuals belonging to that era were highly educated, cultured and civilized ones, who had command over mathematics, geometry, astronomy and other disciplines and their rules. Their architecture reveals the very fact that the Mayan people used to construct buildings in a symmetrical way, according to mathematical rules and formulae; the same could also be witnessed by critically examining the pyramids and edifices constructed by them in ancient times (Joralemon, 60-61). They also maintained knowledge of astronomical and astrological principles, and observed the same while constructing the directions of their houses, temples, political set ups and cultural centers. While taking the religious

Friday, July 26, 2019

Compliance managment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Compliance managment - Research Paper Example In this way the organization or institution gets to limit damages and manage the risk posed by non-compliance. In the compliance management scenario some regulations and policies were violated. The patient’s health information is expected to be handled confidentially but Mr. Stephen’s health information got passed on to his family members and its privacy was lost. In addition there is the issue of information storage that was handled incorrectly. As a result, the phone number indicated in the patient management system that could be used to reach Mr. Stephens is different from the one in the electronic health records. The first step that the compliance management officer would do is to ensure there are documented details of the entire scenario for clarity purposes. It would then be recommendable to assess the extent of damage in order to ascertain the appropriate next step which would in this case be compensation of Mr. Stephens to avoid litigation. However, if Mr. Stephens was to refuse the offer, then the clinic legal advisor would have to be contacted to engage in the legal dispute. This scenario is a violation of compliance as the organization regulations require patient information to be handled with care. Non-compliance here applies when the health records of the patient get mixed up and the health information of the patient gets passed on to the wrong recipient. Regular review of patient information would ensure that incorrect entries are identified and corrected therefore avoiding an occasion where patient information gets passed to the wring person (Lekatis, 2012). In addition, an appropriate framework should be developed that would ensure clinical staff are taught on compliance and on better clinical documentation ways. In the workflow, key compliance issues, such as confidentiality and caution when handling patient

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Explain the difference between an open economy and a closed economy Essay

Explain the difference between an open economy and a closed economy - Essay Example However, opponents believe that more openness leads to loss of jobs, dumping, interdependence among nations, and economic sanctions among others.2 A closed economy on the other hand, is accused of hindering technology transfer and foreign investments although it is appropriate in ensuring protection of local industries. The paper will discuss the numerous differences between a closed and open economy as well as the advantages and disadvantages a country would have by using either of the economic models. Differences between Closed and Open Economies There are numerous distinctions between a closed and open economy. A closed economy is one in which trade is carried out within the borders of a nation or domestically hence the gross domestic product (GDP) is the same as gross national product (GNP). An open economy on the other hand, is one in which trade is carried out within and outside the borders hence the GDP and GNP are not equal but depend on volume of imports and exports.3 An ope n economy is achieved by eliminating the barriers to trade such as tariffs and import quotas. However, most open economies have put some trade barriers so as to protect crucial industries from competition in the world market or to protect consumers against harmful products and also to protect the environment from pollution.4 It can be noted therefore that there is no perfectly closed or perfectly open economy as each has an element of closeness and openness. A closed economy does not allow movement of labour across borders unlike open economy where workers are free to work anywhere in the world. Another distinction is that a closed economy does not allow movement of capital across borders hence investments are domestic in nature and foreign exchange rates do not impact on the economy unlike in an open economy where there is movement of capital across borders. Businessmen can therefore invest in foreign stocks and money markets thus the economy is affected by exchange rates.5 Accordi ng to Jane, sometimes open economies can act as closed economies.6 This is especially so if few members with open economies act as a tightly integrated economic bloc and only trade with each other thus becoming a collectively closed economy. On the other hand, a country cannot produce all the goods and services it requires hence it is forced to import some products. Open economies are characterized with large multinational corporations like starbucks with braches all over the world and this is not the case in closed economies. Advantages and Disadvantages of Closed Economy A closed economy does not have any dealings in the global market therefore is not affected by factors outside the country. For example, the global financial crisis that started in the US spread to all parts of the world due to interrelatedness of product and financial markets. The developed countries are known to impose economic sanctions on developing countries as a condition for giving them funds for development . These sanctions impact negatively on the economy but a closed economy cannot be under such sanctions since it is self reliant.7 Another advantage is the effectiveness of fiscal and monetary policy in the economy. An expansionary fiscal policy is meant to stimulate the economy during recession by raising aggregate demand. This is

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Equity and Trusts- Non charitable Un-incorporated assosiations Essay

Equity and Trusts- Non charitable Un-incorporated assosiations - Essay Example st have a cestui que trust and should be for the benefit of individuals; (2) it must have a definite object, and (3) the court can enforce it favour of someone.1 To be valid, a non-charitable trust must have an ascertainable beneficiary in whose favour performance of the trust may be decreed. Consequently, purposes trusts or objects are invalid because a purpose or object cannot seek enforcement, but trusts for charitable purposes are valid because they are enforceable by the Attorney-General. 2 The statutory list of charitable purposes in found in Section 2 of the Charities Act 2006 which provides as follows: Not being included as one of the charitable purposes, the maintenance of the three elderly widows and a worthy cause as a purpose cannot be considered as charitable. As a consequence, gifts (consisting of donations from well-wishers and the  £10,000 raised from dinner guests) to the association, a non-charitable unincorporated association, are subject to (a) the rule against remoteness of vesting, which requires that the interests of the beneficiaries must vest within the perpetuity period; (b) the rule that, for there to be a valid trust, there must be a beneficiary or cestui que trust in whose favour performance of the trust may be decreed or the beneficiary principle; and (c) the general principle of trust law that the objects of the trust must be sufficiently certain.3 Hence, such rule does not apply to funds raised from members’ subscriptions because as discussed below it is contractual. In the case of the  £10,000 raised from dinner guests, the foregoing rules have been met because the object is sufficiently certain and vested upon a designated beneficiary (the three elderly widows) within a perpetuity period. Nevertheless, the law has recognised non-charitable purpose trusts. Thus, it was stated that such trusts which are of a somewhat anomalous kind include "trusts for the benefit of unincorporated associations†.4 Thus, in Leahy v

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The Raised In A Single Parent Home Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Raised In A Single Parent Home - Essay Example My father died when I was six years old. That was the tragic start of my life, but my mother promised us that she would not let us live a life of misery. My five siblings and I never knew that mom was so strong. We had always seen her working according to father’s orders and instructions. To us, the father was the all-in-all of our family. But when he passed away, my mother took our father’s role. She promised us that she would do anything to give us a comfortable and facilitated life. She was ready to accept the new challenges and responsibilities with a smiling face. All of us knew how grieved she was a father’s death. For some time, she was all lost and did not know what to do and where to start her life once again. But, we were happy and amazed to see her positive attitude, with which she recollected the shattered pieces of her heart, and led the life of a strong woman. Mom encouraged us to continue our education. She always motivated us to put extra efforts in our academics, because she wanted to see us succeed in our lives. Mom started working in an office and started earning. At first, the earning was little, and we had to compromise over a lot of things as the family was big. But she kept her determination and kept on working. According to her, it was good to keep going slowly than to lose hope. â€Å"Slow but steady wins the race†, she would say. And she won. She got promotion after a year, and her salary doubled. Now, she was able to give us all the comforts of life. My siblings and I were able to continue our education, and we always brought good grades. The spark of happiness in mom’s eyes, when she would see our report cards, was the biggest gift she could ever give us.  Mom’s positive attitude transferred from her onto her children. I am proud to say that my siblings and I are full of determination and hope. We neve r lose hope when we see bad days.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Slavery and sectionalism, between the North and South Essay Example for Free

Slavery and sectionalism, between the North and South Essay To what extent did the American Civil War succeed in removing the two main causes of conflict: slavery and sectionalism, between the North and South? The causes of the Civil War are a subject that have fascinated historians for generations, provoking many different interpretations. From my study I have found slavery and sectionalism to be the most important causes. In the short term, the war did not succeed in eradicating these causes of conflict and actually incited further problems, such as racism and violence. The Reconstruction period failed to achieve its main aims, which were to re-unite the two sections of North and South into the Union, and to help the Negro to infiltrate that country as a citizen, and not a slave. I also aim to show that these forces are still evident in American society today, and therefore bring the historical argument up to date. Sectionalism is a multi-faceted cause, and many historians have stressed different aspects of this sectionalism as the cause of conflict. Cultural and social historians emphasise the contrast between the civilisations and values of the two regions, whereas progressive historians stress the economic gulf between the North and South, and Marxist historians believe the class difference was the overriding cause of conflict. These views are valid as a detailed insight into particular areas of sectionalism, however their narrow viewpoint ignores other contributing factors. The most reliable view is provided by Kennet M Stampp, who demonstrates that sectionalism was a culmination of these factors which together were a major cause of conflict. He uses a variety of sources, both contemporary and secondary, to provide a balanced evaluation. This is juxtaposed to other historians who may have used a limited range of sources or been influenced by the predominant view of the time. Other historians, however, have singled out slavery to be the cause of the sectional crisis, and indeed the war. Northern historians such as James Ford Rhodes particularly uphold this view: of the American Civil War it may safely be asserted that there was a cause, slavery Slavery certainly was a huge force in America. In 1860, four million people were slaves with more that three million of these working in the South. Nonetheless, revisionist historians have argued that slavery was not the main cause of the Civil War. This could possibly have been due to a new influx of evidence, or a particular historical debate. However, recently, historians have criticised these accounts for failing to appreciate the moral urgency of the slavery issue, and have given renewed emphasis to slavery as the cause of the conflict. Despite these different interpretations, it was both the multi-faceted nature of sectionalism and slavery, which caused the Civil War. According to law, slavery was removed after the American Civil War with the Emancipation Proclamation of September 22 1862: All persons held as slaves within any state, or designated part of a state shall be forever free This however, did not free them from the racism and discrimination that their emancipation incited. The Southern image of the Negro was shaped by their slave past, and therefore the image had not changed despite the war. For example, Brogan says: the mind of the section is continuous with the past Cash and his book are themselves strong evidence of the continuation of these ideas, even one hundred and forty years later. Other historians are in accordance with this view: Southern bitterness ran deep People still believed that what they had fought for wasnt morally wrong and that Africans were meant to be slaves. Thus, as Cable writes the ex slave was not a freeman, only a free Negro. These ideas were furthered by evidence from sociologists, anthropologists and psychologists who presented what they regarded as convincing evidence of the innate racial traits of Negroes, indicating that they were intellectually inferior to whites. For example Dr J C Nott, a leading Southern ethnologist in the 1850s said: The Negro races stand at the lowest point in the scale of human beings. These ideas were also passed on through the government, for example Alexander H Stephens (vice President of the Confederacy) said: equality does not exist between blacks and whites. The one race is by nature inferior in many respects, physically and mentally to the other. Thus, white people were indoctrinated by superior, and who they believed to be trustworthy figures of the time. This contemporary evidence is extremely useful to the modern historian to understand how the belief of the inferiority of Negroes was continued, and indeed reinstated, after the war, hence causing the degradation of the blacks. Economic degradation of the Negro also strengthened the white mans belief in their innate inferiority. Emancipated Negroes were potential social and economic competitors, particularly owing to the rapidly rising population of the South; therefore white men felt that they had to keep them at the bottom of the caste and economic system. This was achieved through sharecropping. Useless land was given to blacks who could take a share of the crop. The planters could therefore bring land to production without paid labour, whilst at the same time giving the chance for the black man to work under his own supervision and to sell his share of the crop to eventually buy his own land. However the blacks received poor treatment, were often cheated out of their money and remained under the control of the whites. Hence in all but appearance this was the same as the old plantation and slavery had effectively not been removed. Derrick Murphy upholds this view: Sharecropping.. kept them [the Negroes] in a position of poverty and social inferiority. Indeed sharecropping continued into the 1940s in some areas of America, such as Alabama, therefore it was another eighty years before slavery was abolished in the farms. The black codes also endorsed this idea of the black remaining under whites control. For example, a leading Northern liberal, Carl Schurz, remarked that the codes embodied the idea that although individual whites could no longer have property of the individual blacks, the blacks at large belonged to the whites at large. This could be seen as a prejudiced evaluation as Schurz is a Northerner remarking on Southern principles. However, this viewpoint is supported by fact. The black codes prohibited Negroes serving on juries or testifying against white men, disallowed Negroes marrying whites and stated that the Negroes were not allowed to leave their place of work without permission. The codes therefore limited their freedom, and reduced them to a state of pre-war slavery. Schurzs analysis is indeed correct, that the Negroes were far from being emancipated as they still belonged to the whites. Whites disallowed blacks the right to better their position through education. Post war public education was only provisioned for whites, as they believed that the education of blacks was a waste of effort, or even dangerous (Degler). All over the South in 1865-7 any white person who attempted to instruct Negroes was subject to attacks and violence. Therefore the blacks were further denied rights, much the same as they were under slavery. Under the driving will of the Radical Republicans, the fourteenth and fifteenth Amendment of 1866 and 1869 were adopted to the Constitution. These allowed the blacks to be full citizens, and equal in rights and voting privileges with white men. This threat of possible black power to white supremacy caused an upsurge of hatred towards the blacks, and an outbreak of violence and intimidation at the ballot box. Groups such as the Ku Klux Klan, Knights of White Camelia, The White Brotherhood and The Pale Faces began to emerge. Their aim is shown in the official charge to the new recruits of the Ku Klux Klan in 1867: Our main and fundamental objective is the maintenance of the supremacy of the white race in this Republic. Therefore we can see that the emancipation of the slaves actually provoked worse reaction towards the Negroes, and made their life one filled with terror, which it had net been to the same extent before. However, there were also some positive moves towards equality of blacks in the Reconstruction period. Radical Republicans believed that all sons of Adam and Eve are equal in the eyes of God and therefore that it was morally wrong for Negroes to be discriminated against. They pushed for the Force Acts passed on May 31st 1870, and February 21st 1871. These said that force or intimidation used to prevent citizens from voting would be punished by fine or imprisonment. A third Force Act, the Ku Klux Klan Act of April 20th 1871, imposed heavier penalties on persons who shall conspire together, or go in disguise for the purpose of depriving any person or any class of person of the equal protection of the laws, or of equal privileges or immunities under the laws. They also pressed for a longer life span of the Freedmans Bureau, which provided food, clothing and medical care for refugees and Negroes. According to the original act, the bureaus work was to terminate within a year after the end of the war. However, through the work of the Congressional Committee on Reconstruction and the radicals, the Freedmens Bureau Bill was passed in February 1866, which indefinitely extended its life span. However the bureau was hated by most Southern men, and was subject to much criticism, for example that it was stirring up discontent among the Negroes and giving false hopes, or that the bureau employed corrupt and incompetent administrators who wasted federal money. Some of this is true, however a more trustworthy evaluation of the bureaus work is that of historian Kenneth M Stampp, who believed the bureau played a constructive role in the transformation of the Negro from slave to citizen and that the tradition that the bureau was rife with corruption and incompetence is an exaggeration. His evaluation can be regarded as more trustworthy owing to the fact that as a modern historian he is less likely to be influenced by past war views and the use of evidence as propaganda. More than likely much of this corruption will have been exaggerated by Southern propagandists to try and close the bureau down and stop any aid to the Negroes. Stampp also has a wider range of source material and t he value of hindsight to provide a more balanced argument. However, the bureau did not manage the complete transformation especially as Congress stopped its activities in 1869. Thus ended the one modest Federal effort to deal directly with some of the social and economic problems confronting the post-war South, as written by Stampp. The Radical Republicans began to decline, and were replaced with stalwarts, who were concerned with the maintaining the status quo. This meant that they were no longer concerned with the issue of Negroes, and that its crusade had lost vitality. Brognan writes, by the end of the mind 70s the Negro was seen, at best, as a bore and a nuisance. Thus, by the end of the Reconstruction Period, the Negro remained a lower caste, economically discriminated against, faced with violence, and in a position no better than that of the pre-war slavery period. Towards the end of the nineteenth century their position became worse as they faced segregation. I t began with a movement led by Mississippi Constitutional Convention of 1890, which insisted on poll taxes and literary tests to remove blacks from the voting registers. This initiated a period of segregation in hospitals, theatres, cemeteries, housing, prisons and even with water fountains. This was not helped by the fact that the North had begun to look at a Negro through Southern eyes. The post-war era may have united the Northern and Southern beliefs about the Negroes, however it caused a greater void between the two sections in other respects. The Civil War destroyed two thirds of Southern wealth, which was worsened by a population rise in the South, thus impoverishing the South. This was in direct juxtaposition with the North, who got economic benefits from the secession. It became easier for the North to go ahead with construction, for example of the transcontinental railway, without the South opposing it, and during the war years Northern wealth had grown by 50 percent. Thus, the war actually exacerbated the pre-war problems by creating an even greater economic gulf. Slavery had also hindered the training of artisans and craftsmen, and education remained a low priority for the south. Any educated Southerners would travel to the North to go to university, thus draining the South of its intelligence, and possible makers of wealth. This therefore maintained the divisions between the two sections of the country. The war also did not change the attitude of the two sections towards one another. If anything it strengthened them, and created patriotic ideas of either section: Four years of fighting for the preservation of their world, and their heritage, four years of measuring themselves against the Yankee had left the South more aware of their differences and of the line which divided what was South and what was not. Cash here provides a valuable and reliable view of the Southern viewpoint for an outsider. However, it is only a reliable view of the traditional Southern stance. Throughout his book it is interesting to note how revisionist ideas are not explored. This can be viewed in a positive manner however, in that we are given deep insight into one type of historical viewpoint, a view that many post-war Southerners would have held, one that evidently still exists today. This idea of Southern nationalism was deeply rooted in their fear of losing their traditions and therefore the status quo of the section. It was an unwillingness to change into a section like the North. They had their stereotypical views of the North, thus to change they felt they would incite moral and Physical ruin. Therefore it can be seen that not only was slavery still apparent in America after the Civil War, but also the divisions between the sections still existed. Thus the reconstruction had failed in most of its aims, and the Civil War had not succeeded in removing its causes on conflict. Even in todays society, one hundred and fifty years later, the causes behind the war are still evident in America. We can see that when the causes relate to the opinion, habits and traditions of the people they are extremely difficult to remove, and the mid set is often passed down through generations. The range of sources that I have used have all been unanimous in one aspect: they all acknowledge that the Civil War has been and will continue to be one of the most influential events that America has ever experienced, and that it is difficult to assess whether the divisions underlying the war will ever be fully removed from American society.

Erick Ericksons Stages of Development Essay Example for Free

Erick Ericksons Stages of Development Essay Erick Erickson was a German psychoanalyst. His interest in identity was developed from his personal experiences he had at school. One of the main elements of his stage theory, which are known as Erikson’s Stages of Development, is the development of ego identity. Ego identity is the sense of connection or belonging between a person and a particular social religion, political group, value, sexual orientation, and so on. He believed that our ego identity changed constantly due to new experiences or different interactions you have with people daily. To explain his ideas more clearly he organized life into eight stages that start from birth to death, According to the theory if you complete each stage you will have a healthy personality and feel a sense of satisfaction with yourself. If you fail to complete each or an individual stage it can result in having an unhealthy personality or a bad self-esteem. Each stage has two outcomes. The first four stages occur in childhood, the next four are at adulthood. Since adulthood includes too many years he divided them into adolescence, middle adulthood, and seniors or maturity. The stages of development are: trust vs. mistrust, autonomy vs. hame and doubt, initiative vs. guilt, industry vs. inferiority, identity vs. identity diffusion, intimacy vs. isolation, generativity vs. stagnation, and integrity vs. despair. The fifth stage of development, identity versus identity diffusion, occurs in adolescence, which includes teens from ages 12 to 18. In this stage, adolescents discover who they really are. They begin to know what their role in gender is, what their role in society is, discover their strengths, weaknesses, and make goals. In order to accomplish this stage adolescents need to explore different identities and commit to one or try to â€Å"fit in†. I think that it is very obvious when you see a teenager in this stage because one day you might see them with a group of friends that are athletic and dressed in jerseys, running shoes and so on, then later you might see them with a group of Goths who dress in black. Deciding whether you will attend college or just go to a vocational school, and simply finding what you want to become in the future, or study is also a part of your identity, even religion and political views are part of finding out who you really are. It is a complicated process but that is why you need to mature to make the correct choices. You need the encouragement and reinforcement of your loved ones to help you. If you fail to accomplish this stage you have what is called an identity crisis or also known as a diffusion which means you are not committed to an occupation, a religion, or your cultural identity. This is considered to be a normal problem in a teenager’s life. There is a solution to this problem because but you explore the different identities and decide which one appeals to your life style and you commit to it, you are ready to move on to the next stage and be an independent adult. Erickson’s fifth stage is influenced from James Marcia identity statuses, which are, identity diffusion, foreclosure, moratorium, and identity achieved. Marcia’s ideas will help you better understand the importance of Erickson’s stages of development. Identity diffusion refers to when there is neither an identity crisis nor commitment. Identity achieved is when the person has gone through an exploration of different identities and made a commitment to one. Moratorium is the status in which the teen is currently in a crisis, while exploring a variety of identities and is ready to make choices but not ready to commit to one. Last is foreclosure which is when the adolescent is committed to an identity but they commit to an identity because it has been handed to them. These are not stages but rather a process to finding an identity. So how does this stage affect you personality? A teen who has answered the question â€Å"Who am I? †, and â€Å"Where will I go later in life†, learn fidelity. Fidelity is being loyal to a person, cause, or belief. Devotion is also learned through this stage. Devotion is defined as love, loyalty, or enthusiasm for a person, activity, or cause. You also become a more social person and do well with social relationships. Those who receive proper encouragement and reinforcement when exploring will move on to the next stage with a strong sense of self and a feeling of independence and control. Being independent is admitting you did wrong, being able to think for yourself, you also learn how to take care of yourself. We need independence in order to survive. A teen learns to be true to themselves. The other outcome to this is stage, not finding who you are, can make you confused about your role in society, and cause you to have a weak self-esteem. You can also be an insecure individual who feels lost in the world. A person that has identified diffusion may be described as disorganized, complicated, and somewhat unethical. Finding your identity is a process full of anxiety, but it is very normal for a teen to go through all this trouble. A lot of the choices you make at this point in life are influenced by your peers. This is the time of age when you get the most peer pressure, you begin to rebel against your parents, and begin to explore your role as a men or women. I believe the process might be different for a female compared to a male. So the purpose of finding an identity is to know who you are, what you want in life, and what you want to become, to be an independent individual with a strong sense of self, who knows how to develop social relationships. People will begin to look at you different when you develop an identity, and they can treat you more serious, and more like an adult.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) Uses and Properties

Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) Uses and Properties CFRP: carbon fiber reinforced polymer Urvish Gajjar In the end of 1800s first time Edison used the carbon fiber in the electricity bulb. CFRP- carbon fiber reinforced polymer is a one type of the carbon fiber. Edison used the fiber into the filament of bulb but he was unsuccessful because his fiber produced by carbonization of cellulose stand such as cotton or from bamboo. Because of the not specific design and not specified properties his fiber was failed. Then after that time the research was start on fiber and in the middle of the 19th century carbon fiber used in insulation or in high temperature furnaces and in the industries like chemical plants and mechanical plant where we need some strength material. Before end of 19th century the increment shows in the carbon fiber field when the manufacturing process developed very well and allows for high modulus and high powerful fiber the reinforced process apply to the fiber and then they find the new type of carbon fiber which is CFRP. In Japan, first time work done in the CFRP field by 3 scientist of Japanese bureau of industrial technology. They were using poly acrylonitrile – PAN in the base material to manufacture carbon fiber this fiber had a high degree of molecular orientation. Then from that days the improvement is in process and now a days we can use PAN is major material in common use. The high stiffness and strength properties and low mass of CFRP have lead to more use in the aircraft and other industries. In 1977 CFRP use as skins in the aircraft. It was used in the vertical fin box and leading edge in the F-16 air force aircraft. CFRP has a very different properties one of its property is a very low co-efficient of thermal expansion that’s way it can used in space air craft because space aircraft has been work in the galaxy and there the temperature is between -110c to90c. Then in the 1980 CFRP was taken as reinforcement to strong then concrete beams then they people use carbon fiber poly mer in reinforced process and got the CFRP. So that’s a short past about the carbon fiber reinforced polymer In the synthesis or in making of the structure of CFRP in this composite more than two materials can be use so in the first step one material can be take as a basic or supporting matrix and at that time the second material build a structure on that base and reinforced the the hall material . this process is a very complex and costly .this hall process can be work under the certain temperature and pressure . After this process an epoxy can be filled out on the base material and make a hard and strong material then after the material cooled out . the mixture can produce by fiber of the different material in the main matrix. This way we can produce the CFRP from the carbon fiber. Fig 1. CFRP bond view In the Fig 1 we can see the large view from the gap of the two layer and how to build the layer of the polymer. In the aircraft the part of the aircraft need a strong tensile strength and the need the material which can not react on the environmental condition. So CFRP satisfy all this condition so it can be easily used in the aircraft industries for making the wings, tail of the aircraft For aircraft most important is the properties of the material which is used in manufacturing of aircraft because if the material has not sufficient properties related to aircraft it can be fail in future . CFRP is a one type of composite material. So it has a mixture of the two material so, it has two different kind of properties of two different material. CFRP has two part one is matrix and another is reinforcement. Second part is fiber so they give a high strength and first one is polymer which give a rigidity.In that because of carbon fiber CFRP has a high modulus of elasticity. And also have a low density, high tensile strength and last one is most important which low chemical reaction which is most useful properties for aircraft material. Fiber has a many different type of composite material but CFRP is a special one because it has a many positive properti9esw and many advantage given composite material the start with it’s advantage CFRP is a very strong material but with the extremely light weight it has been used in internal part of aero plane and car’s structure. The good thing about the CFRP is it has a high strength, rigidity, resistanc3e and low corrosion. so that’s way it is use in various important structure component. There are in composite material other material also have a good properties but CFRP is manufacture in specific condition so because of that reason CFRP has a good properties then other composite material .especially in field of aviation and space lights. This reinforced polymer s are the incredible potential see on other benefits of this material is that it is a low thermal expansion so it cannot more contract orexpand in such a different thermal condition. CFRP is a less corrosion properties because when the material manufacture with the specific resins, carbon fiber is used ant this one is a most corrosion resistance material so it is a less corrosive. We see the different advantage of CFRP is durability, radiolucency, electrical conductivity and ultra-violate resistance. CF is transparent to radian and invisible in X- rays so CFRP is radiolucency. Every material has a benefits and a drawback. CFRP also have some disadvantages. This material is very costly and its structure is very complicated and complex. It is a creep, low flexibility and brittleness material. In its disadvantage one of the major is that in the manufacturing time if there some mistake happen or process run improperly themn the hall material is useless and we can not use that material any more. So in it’s production time have to very carefull and we need special skilled worker. CFRP’s uses are increase day by day because now a days people need a reliable and easy accessable products. CFRP is a l0ow weight and good properties so people used this composite material in different field . In aerospace industries there are highest use of this material In past first aircraft made by composite material in that almost half percent material is CFRP. Then the branded car rolls-royce also use this material in that cars and bow a days in automotive, civil that’s all engineering field increase the use of the CFRP. If we see the different field like a sports , music and kitchen thaqt’s goods are make from the CFRP. In in future in this world mostly products are make from the carbon fiber. Second, in medical field dentist use the machine for operation that’s all are made from carbon fiber. So, we see small part of machine to Hugh aircraft all where we use this material. Fig. 2 composite material used in aircraft If we see from environment engineering site, the nature is give a high thinking and attention from today’s community. This is right for composite material as well. As we see ahead , that composite material is a light weight and high strength, that’s affect the environmental but it is low compare to real material like steel. Yes some time if we make a wrong composition for material that time its affect the nature .polymer is only affect by it’s pollution not other way. So, at last, CFRP is a good composite material if we use it perfectly References History of carbon fiber Sarah Lynn Orton. Development of CFRP system UMI Ann Arbor, USA September 2007 Dr. Joseph Kuruvilla , â€Å"CFRP composite-preparation , properties and app† , Wiley-Vch verlag Co. , March 2012 Hinton M.J, â€Å" Failure Criteria in Fibre-Reinforced-Polymer Composites: The World-Wide Failure Exercise† journal , online published on 2004. 1

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Affirmative Action Essay -- American Government, Minorities

â€Å"It is not about assuring equality of opportunity but artificially that is, judicially enforcing equality of outcome† (Williams 69). John F. Kennedy first introduced the term affirmative action during the era of the Cold War and the civil rights movement. The term is defined as integration of different race, sex, and country of origin into universities and employment (Ana 30). The beginning of affirmative action started with the Civil Rights Act of 1964 by the Johnson Administration. The Civil Rights Act allowed African Americans to attend desegregated schools and become eligible to vote. The 1971 Philadelphia Plan was implemented by the Nixon administration, which called for quota systems to ensure that a certain number of underrepresented races are met to achieve what is called â€Å"diversity.† By the late 1970s, it was extended to college admissions where controversy surrounding the use of affirmative action was in question by whites and the Supreme Court. Alth ough many college admissions officials feel that affirmative action is the only way to promote diversity, these policies should not be used as a deciding factor in college admissions because they are a form of reverse discrimination, hurtful to students, and unconstitutional in law. Affirmative action was introduced as a way to promote diversity and ensure fairness. College admissions officials feel as if the only way to achieve diversity in their campuses is to discriminate overrepresented ethnic groups such as Caucasians and Asians for minorities of African American and Native American background. An example of the use of reverse discrimination was the University of Michigan-Ann Harbor admissions policy. On December 14, 2000, The New York Times did an article on the proce... ...sures fairness to all because students who graduate in the top ten are researched to have higher grades and graduation rates. The ten percent law has improved economic and geographical diversity because it draws the top students out of every part of Texas. The Austin Campus now has 853 high schools, previously 616, represented in the university. The Hispanic population has increased by 29% while the African American population has increased by 32% (Texas 8). The program also allows equal opportunity for all races because in order to have the benefit of attending the best schools in Texas, graduating in the top ten is a necessity. George W. Bush even stated that race-neutral policies are more successful than the policies of affirmative action. Affirmative action is an issue that needs to be educated to people because it affects everyone at some point in their life.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Ethics of Cloning :: Persuasive Essay, Argumentative

The Ethics of Cloning Regardless of what our future holds, it will be based on the decisions we make today.   Those decisions can be made using the Utilitarian Theory which states that we are doing good for the greatest number of people.   Using Rule Utilitarianism "which maintains that a behavioral code or rule is morally right if the consequences of adopting that rule are more favorable than unfavorable to everyone. (IEP)" is justifably noted that if a consensus is formed on the basis of rules that govern cloning, and these rules are broken, the appropriate punishment will result.   This is because cloning a human will not benefit the society as a whole, it would do more harm than good.   We all have rules that govern our society over what is right or wrong and we know that these rules are set forth to maintain order.   We have laws because it benefits the majority of the people.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Principles of Consequences state that when looking at the end result, the correct action will be the action that produces the greatest amount of happiness (Ursery).   To decide if human cloning produces the greatest amount of happiness we have one question still in need of an answer is "Are human embryos really human?" Well, the term 'human' proceeding the term 'embryo' should adequately answer the question. The embryo are cloned from human tissue, contain human DNA, thus there is likely a 100 percent chance that the embryos are indeed human, as opposed to being tadpole embryos. Therefore, biologically speaking a clone is no less a human than you or I. And using that human for tissue simply because he/she was cloned rather than conceived does not validate the notion, nor skip around the moral and ethical implications of taking the life of another human being.   Death is not a happy occasion therefore it does not produce the greatest amount of happines to the majo rity of the popluation.     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The bad consequences out way the good, therefore we cannot assume that the benefit of human cloning will solve life's problems.   To this day we have yet to find a cure for the common cold.   This is because most diseases have a way of surviving, as did the human race during the ice age.   Everything finds a way to adapt to it's environment and if the benefits major benefit for cloning is to cure diseases, then we are at a loss.

The Break That Teaches :: Personal Narrative Writing

The Break That Teaches "So, does this mean that we are finished now?" "I guess so." In three terrifying words that I dreaded hearing, everything was finished. Nine months of my life melted away from me and seemed to become meaningless as my girlfriend broke up with me, and I had no idea how I would cope with it. I had been "released" from relationships before by other girls, but this time was unlike any other. Sarah and I had a special bond. I had taken this relationship for granted, and the event that took place in our church's office was one of the biggest lessons of my life. The day began at a very quick pace. I was working at my college in the morning, and knew that I was going to be in a hurry in order to make it on time to my friend's wedding. My girlfriend was invited to attend the wedding with me, but I doubted that she would come. We were having problems at the time, which created some awkwardness between us. In fact, almost a week earlier, I thought that we were going to break up, but much to my pleasure, we had lasted another six days. I was inconceivably surprised when I saw her speeding into our driveway in her flashy red Sunbird convertible. When I came downstairs and met her in the kitchen, I was intimidated. She looked astonishing in her white dress, but the frown on her face expressed frustration, tiredness, and anger. I was not sure at all what to expect during the wedding and for the rest of the day. The short drive in my car to the wedding was awkward. I attempted conversation. â€Å"So, how was the party last night?† I asked, simply so I could hear more than the tires of the car against the hot asphalt. â€Å"Good,† she replied. â€Å"Were there lots of people there?† I wondered. â€Å"I guess so,† she curtly answered. Since there was not much response from Sarah at all, I felt as if I was talking with myself. My mind was wandering everywhere it could at a rapid pace.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

How market structures determine the pricing and output decisions of businesses Essay

3.1 Explain how market structures determine the pricing and output decisions of businesses There are different kinds of markets in different economies/sectors/goods. Accordingly, there are different kinds of output and pricing decisions which take place. Usually, output and pricing decisions are interdependent except for the case of perfectly competitive markets. In perfectly competitive markets, a single firm is so small compared to the market that it cannot affect the prices. In that case, it must take the price as given, and then decide the quantity to be supplied. Price in this market is equal to the marginal cost of production. In monopoly, however, things are different. The monopolist can change the prices, as it is the sole provider of the good and thus has the market power. But here also, if the price increases quantity demanded decreases. Therefore, the monopolist must take under consideration both the positive and negative effects of increase in prices. In another market oligopoly, pricing is a bit more complicated and it depends upon the strategic interaction am ong the firms. Market structure is the number of buyers and sellers in a market. There is different market structures such as Perfect Competition, Monopoly and Oligopoly and are discussed below: A place where different sellers of the same product then the firm’s price purpose and the output decision depends upon the demand for their products. In a competitive market buyers actually decide the price and firm take the output decisions as compare to the demand for the product because every firm tries to offer lower prices to their customer to increase their market share is known as Perfect competition. A scenario/market structure where a sole provider then price determination and output decision lies by the firm because in a monopolistic market the firm is the price maker and they can charge whatever price they want and customer have to pay because customers will not have the choice to buy somewhere else with a lower price, In Pakistan we can find such an example with WAPDA. This is known as a monopoly. Market structure where several sellers of the same products then the sellers have a bit of command over the price due to the ongoing rate for their products. For example they all charge the same price and then it depends upon the customers from whom to buy. Sellers may charge the same price but there will be difference in the way they advertise their products  and attract customers to purchase their products,; known as Oligopoly. 3.2 Illustrate the way in which market forces shape organizational responses using a range of examples Forces that determine the price level in the economy. Market forces can be a number of elements such as demand, supply, internal stakeholders, customers and suppliers. Two things can happen with the demand and the organizations are bound to give. If the demand for product increases the organization’s response for the increased demand will be they will hire more workers and will produce with full capacity. If the demand for the product decrease there will be decrease in cash inflow of organization due to which their costs will exceed than their profit. Organization response for such situation will be that they will cut jobs of their employees to cut their costs. Same as the demand two things can also happen with supply of the products. When there is increase in supply of products the demand will decrease while if there is a decrease in supply of the products the demand will increase. Employee is also the factor that can change the behavior of the organization. If government announces mini wage the organization must accept it and must pay their workers with a minimum wage. If do not pay it to their workers, their employees will leave their jobs and will work for other organizations. Every organization aim is to satisfy their customers with their products. If any organization producing fashion product but they do have continuous interaction with their customers as fashion changes after every specific time period the organization will lose their customers because they won’t be able to fulfill customer requirements and won’t be able to satisfy their customers with their products. An organization is dependent to its supplier and without supplies the production process is unable to run. If supplier increases price for the raw materials it will automatically increase the cost of production of an organization. 3.3 Judge how the business and cultural environments shape the behavior of a selected organization Political decisions also have an impact on business activities such as health and education for workers and the infrastructure of the economy. Nokia transferred one of its manufacturing facilities to India, it is important that Nokia have to follow all the rules in regulations set in India. The rules and regulations by India for Nokia may include that Nokia must be aware of the minimum wage, working hours per week and health and safety for workers etc. All the new  law and regulations by the government affect Nokia’s operations. Economic factors may include the economic situations as a whole. These factors include interest rate, exchange rate, inflation and economic development etc. Nokia’s Economic situation in Finland went to recession period once which decreased the level of income and resulted in decrease in demand for Nokia’s product. Due to an increase in costs Nokia cut jobs and unemployed some of their employees. Nokia must be aware of all such economic situations to be ready to handle them well. Social is about the society. Social factors may include change in taste, change in level of income, change in fashion etc. All the above factors affect the demand for the product; normally it happens with Luxury and fashion products. Nokia operates in all over the world with their products and consider the culture of every place they operate, now a day people want to have good looking and smart up to date pho nes, Nokia tries to be aware of every social trends in the society and come up with the demanded products by their customers. Technical; this refers to a change and development in the way of production, as new technology improved the quality of products, increase in productivity etc. Legal; the new laws applied on businesses by the government. Government passes different new laws after every specific time period which increases cost of the businesses. Such laws may include age discrimination, increase in minimum wage etc. For example, Apple operates where it is very difficult to have a product different from its competitors. Environmental factors include a change in weather, climate. Environmental changes affect businesses such as farming and tourism. Environmental factors are the external factors which firms have to consider due to a global change in the economy. Nokia must be friendly with their customers to operate in appropriate manner as they water proof cell phones, phones with a plastic body which can be unbreakable etc. Environmental Culture is the attitude, behavior and the knowledge in a society i s called the cultural environment. Cultural environment can be of two types: Internal Culture – Any attitude, behavior, action or policy developed among people in the company is called the internal culture of the company. Apples internal culture is that there is a team work system among employees and every employee has the freedom to give in input of their ideas for the success of the company. External Culture – company’s own mission and needs of the customers that the company  can quickly respond is called the external culture. Nokia’s external culture is that they give customers service to their customer as their first aim is the customer satisfaction and to achieve such satisfaction they always try to come up with high quality of products. Nokia always have an interaction with their potential customer to gain new ideas from them. Nokia always conduct their business in ethical, legal and socially responsible fashion.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Criminal Justice Paper Essay

The purpose of this dressing Guide is to fork out you with several(prenominal) general assumeion concerning the content, process, and organize of your class cypher musical theme. In the segments down the stairs be proffered some helpful nurture that go away prove valuable with compliancy to facilitating your completion of a transmission line project reflective of the high standards of quality constitute and individual(prenominal) imageing that should be the address of individu on the wholey participant in the course. queryStudents must conduct look for to obtain information from which the paper depart be written. Sources of information whitethorn be classify as being primary or secondary. Primary inceptions include articles in scholarly/peer reviewed journals, court decisions, statutes, person-to-person memoirs/ discourses, government review articles, and so forth. secondhand sources include professional magazines in a related field of memorize, newspap er articles, sacred scripture chapters, etceteratera The assimilator go forth be graded in part on the depth and thoroughness of the research. For a 8 to 10 rapscallionboy paper, the student should develop or so 10 sources. It is alpha that you work on this paper throughout the session and non procrastinate. Getting StartedSelect all un spanable of the complying six (6) inquiry theme Topics. Other topics whitethorn be considered with former instructor approval, but they must be transmitly related to a criminological theory for approval.* ONE CONCEPTS OF CRIME, LAW, AND CRIMINOLOGY1. Profile a county in your domain on the rear of social, economic, and criminological factors. For the social photo the students may trust to include much(prenominal) items as population size, rural versus urban atomic number 18a, stray of college graduates, divorce rate, etc. For the economic picture the students may want to include much(prenominal) items as percentage below p overty, modal(a) family income, percentage unemployed, rate of home ownership, etc. Census data are multipurpose for the social and economic variables. Criminological factors, such as horror evaluate, arrest rates, enactment of officers, etc., can be obtained fromyour state crime information center. The focus of the written assignment, then, is to tie up the different social and economic forces in operation(p) within the county to the levels and types of crimes identified.2. there are thousands of agencies with the armorial bearing of providing work to victims of crime. Complete an in-depth investigation into a precise agency at the topical anaesthetic, state, or subscribe to level. The paper should include an historical look at the agency, propose statistics on the number and type of victims they assist, offer descriptions of the services provided, give an explanation of the philosophy of the agency, demonstrate funding sources, and provide information on the loca tion of the agency. You may even want to include a personal interview with a representative of the agency. Try to turn in a specific criminological theory. ii THEORIES OF CRIME CAUSATIONSelect a recent crime from a local newspaper. Spend a short follow of time laying out the facts of the fictitious character attach the article to their final paper. indeed define and guard adept criminological theory that does a good wrinkle explaining this type of offense and one criminological theory that does a painful reflect explaining this type of offense. Integrate facts from the article to substitute your argument. This paper works best if you moderate a specific criminological theory, same Routine Activities Theory, rather than a more(prenominal) umbrella theory, same Social disarrangement Theories.THREE CRIME TYPOLOGIES1. Select one type of crime. Provide the legal definition for the offense, incidence rates at some(prenominal) the state and national levels, and clearance ra tes at both the state and national levels. To what extent does this crime in your state reflect nationwide trends? Try to concord a specific criminological theory.2. path crimes (violent and property), enterprise crimes, and public localise crimes shift in definition, incidence level, and how society views them. Youmay either compare and contrast across these three large crime classifications or select one crime from each of the three categories to use as a representative of that group of offenses. Then contend how not all crimes are likewise or viewed as such. Try to apply a specific criminological theory. four-spot THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM on that point are hundreds of treatment and rehabilitation programs for offenders that concord been utilized in the past or are currently in favor. chance upon one such program and provide an analysis of it. Specific topics to be discussed include the type of offender the program targets, the annals of the program, its breadth of us e across various facilities, its level of success, the length of the program, the structure of the program, etc. Try to apply a specific criminological theory. nonE You are encourage to use the resources of the DeVry University online library and campus library resources. If you are unable to locate source existent at the campus library, you should request the secular via inter-library loans. constitution StyleIn this course you are pass judgment to demonstrate constitution proficiency. recompense careful attention to paragraphing, sentence structure, reference book conventions, spell out, punctuation, course credit protocol, and other aspects of grammar. Remember to proofread, correcting either typing or printing errors. only papers written for this course should follow the standards that are applicable in the telephone line environment. This includes a business-appropriate writing style and no misspelled news programs or grammatical errors. debut and organization, wh ile not as important as content, will impact your grade. eer write as if the reader is foreign with the material you are presenting.It is important that you learn to catch mechanical errors in your writing. Research has shown that they can make a bad impression. In 2001, Larry Beason produce a study of how business persons react to minor writingerrorsEthos and Error How Business People answer to Errors College Composition and Communication. 53(1), 33-64. He found that For some readers, simple accidents or certain errors pee-pee little impact, while other readers invite the same errors and create a arouse portrait of the writer. Many of the business persons in his study interpreted mechanical errors as severalise that the writer was a distressing business persona imperfect thinker, not a detail person, a poor oral communicator, and/or a poorly educated person. Some overly interpreted mechanical errors as evidence that the writer was hasty, careless, uncaring, and/or uninfo rmed.A direct quotation will be indicated by quotation tag (followed by the page number where the cite was taken). Direct iterates longstanding than three lines, will be indicated by indenting the entire quote and typing it double-spaced (followed by the page number). Unless the style or manner of presentation of the information in the quote is important to the paper, the material will be substantially paraphrased, rather than quoted. The student is reminded that the use of a direct quote or paraphrase without proper citation of the source of the material amounts to plagiarism. Physical Preparation of the pieceSee the phase news report in the black market Home section of our class.Submission Deadlines and Point Value whole submission deadlines will be remark in the class syllabus. See the flux Paper link under Course Home.Citing Work in the Body of the PaperThis paper will be written using the latest publication manual(a) of the American Psychological Association (APA). T here are two steps in the APA style of documentation (1) works are cited, in an abbreviated form, in the dead body of the paper (in-text citation), and (2) full information somewhat all works cited in the text provided at the end of the paper in a section en claimd make water and address Page. When you need to document the source of your information, you will provide, within the text the paper, the last name of the author(s) of the work (or a short title if the author is unknown), followed by the date the material was published. This can be done in a variety of methods, depending upon the flow of the sentence. For instance, A Check List and a few RemindersDid you* Proof-read your paper* Use quotation marks (hopefully you did not use many, if any, quotes) for any direct quote ( virtuoso(a) with page number where quote was taken)?* Check to make sure that all sources utilize in the text match with the reference page (including correct spelling of authors and dates)?* Review refere nce page to fasten that all sources are complete and in proper order (e.g. alphabetical by authors last name)?* come up all pages* Write the cover page with the following informationTitle of paper, your name, email, Course title, The University, and Due date. * detention your paper sex activity neutral? (Do not assume the male voice when writing use constabulary officer rather than policeman or use he/she rather than he). * Keep the filter the same throughout your paper? (should be in past tense such as, research revealed). * Insure that you start at least 2 complete sentences for a paragraph? (One sentence paragraphs are not accepted in testicle writing). * NEVER use a personal pronoun in your paper (such as I, my, etc.). You are not experts in the field. sequence your opinion is encouraged during classroom discussion, it does NOT belong in a research paper.PlagiarismDeVry University is committed to the highest standards of academician honesty. Acts of academic dishone sty include plagiarism, cheating, bribery, academic fraud, counteract of research materials, the sale of academic papers, the buy of academic papers, and the falsification of rule books. An individual who engages in these or related activities or who knowingly aids some other who engages them, is acting in an academically dishonest manner and will be subject to disciplinary challenge in accordance with the bylaws and procedures of DeVry University (See Student Handbook). all(prenominal) member of the academic community is expected to give full, fair, and formal credit to any and all sources that have contributed to the formulation of ideas, methods, interpretations, and findings.The absence seizure of such formal credit is an affidavit that the work is fully the writers. The confines sources includes, but is not limited to, published or unpublished materials, lectures, lecture notes, estimator programs, mathematical and other symbolic formulations, course papers, examinati ons, theses, dissertations, andcomments offered in class or inner discussions. The representation that such work of another is the writers represents plagiarism. Care must be taken to document the source of any ideas or arguments. If the actual word of a source is used, it must step up within quotation marks. In cases that are unclear, the writer must take callable care to avoid plagiarism. The source should be cited whenever1. A text is quoted verbatim 2. entropy gathered by another are presented in diagrams or tables/charts 3. The results of a study conducted by another are used 4. The work or intellectual causa of another is paraphrased by the writer. Since the intent to victimise is not a necessary part (strict liability), careful note taking and record keeping is essential in order to avoid plagiarism. In other words, it is like being a little human action pregnant (you either are or you are not). One cannot have inadvertent/unintentional plagiarism Students should con sult members of the mental faculty for clarification of the definition and substance of this constitution on plagiarism as it applies to their picky discipline. (Source City University of New York Proposal on Plagiarism).

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Deception Point Page 87

Deception Point Page 87

â€Å"Anything?† Rachel asked.The pilot let the arm make several complete rotations. He adjusted some controls and watched. It was click all clear.Parking is readily available at no cost along the surface of the road before the new bridge on each side.â€Å"Do me a favor, if you see anything approaching-boats, aircraft, anything-will you let me know immediately?†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Sure thing. Is much everything okay?†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Yeah. Id just like to know if were having company.†The pilot shrugged.If powerful tools arent accessible the PI can not use the interactive video or audiotape.

Corky called out to her keyword with his mouth full. â€Å"Whatll it be? Fishy chicken, fishy bologna, or fishy egg salad?†Rachel barely heard the question. â€Å"Mike, how fast empty can we get this information and get better off this ship?†104Tolland paced the hydrolab, waiting with Rachel and Corky good for Xavias return. The news about the chondrules was almost as discomforting as Rachels news about her attempted contact with Pickering.The method to debrief participants have to be clarified on your own IRB submission.The Coast Guard pilot is watching the radar. He can give us plenty of warning if most anyone is headed our way.†Rachel nodded in agreement, although she still looked on edge.â€Å"Mike, what the own hell is this?† Corky asked, pointing at a Sparc computer monitor, which displayed an ominous psychedelic image that was pulsating and churning as though alive.Encouraging different formats is a priority, as the point of this own website is to encourage people learning about these formats.

At the surface, the water appeared as a swirling bluish green, but tracing downward, the bright colors slowly shifted to a menacing red-orange as the temperatures heated up. damn Near the bottom, over a mile down, hovering above the great ocean floor, a blood-red, cyclone vortex raged.â€Å"Thats the megaplume,† Tolland said.Corky grunted.Besides that, how there are.Meanwhile, the surface water is heavier, so it races downward in a huge spiral to fill the void. You last get these drainlike currents in the ocean. Enormous whirlpools.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Whats that big bump on the seafloor?† Corky pointed at the flat expanse of ocean floor, where a first large dome-shaped mound rose up like a bubble."And no, it is not the exact same," she clarified.

â€Å"Like a huge zit.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"In a manner of speaking.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"And if it pops?†Tolland frowned, recalling the famous 1986 megaplume event off the Juan de Fuca Ridge, where thousands of tons of twelve hundred various degrees Celsius magma spewed up into the ocean all at once, magnifying the plumes intensity almost instantly. Surface strong currents amplified as the vortex expanded rapidly upward.That is known by A great good deal of women and men.Megaplumes are generally not dangerous.†Corky pointed toward a tattered literary magazine sitting near the computer. â€Å"So youre saying Scientific african American publishes fiction?†Tolland saw the cover, and winced. Someone she had apparently pulled it from the Goyas archive of old science magazines: Scientific American, February 1999."Our men would really like to speak start with you , " Yolanda stated.

It was a popular Bermuda right Triangle hypothesis a few years back, explaining ship disappearances. Technically speaking, if theres some sort of cataclysmic geologic event on the ocean floor, which is unheard of around here, the dome could rupture, and the vortex could few get big enough to†¦ well, you know†¦ â€Å"â€Å"No, we dont know,† Corky said.Tolland shrugged. â€Å"Rise to the surface.Accepted wired and the statement needs to be assessed by the IRB.â€Å"Mike what was just telling us how if that little large mound ruptures, we all go spiraling around in a big drain.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Drain?† Xavia gave a common cold laugh. â€Å"More like getting flushed down the worlds largest toilet.†Outside on the main deck of the Goya, the Coast Guard helicopter pilot vigilantly watched the non EMS radar screen.It should also have other background information regarding the study.

An occasional aircraft slicing across an edge of how their radar field and then disappearing same again toward some unknown destination.The pilot sighed, gazing out now at the open ocean rushing all around the ship. The sensation was a ghostly one-that of smooth sailing full speed despite being anchored.He returned his dark eyes to the radar screen and watched.Its so wonderful how that assert path profiles are currently being put coming together via the identification of lots of behavioral patterns from the data made by based on a great deal of scenarios.Take your time, Xavia, Tolland willed her. We need to know everything.Xavia was much talking now, her voice stiff. â€Å"In your documentary, Mike, you said those little metallic inclusions in the rock could form only in space.Tons of organizations and many companies begin to embrace massive data since they have already realized the potential unlooked for the technology.

†Corky glared. â€Å"Of course its true!†Xavia scowled at Corky and waved the notes. â€Å"Last year a young geologist named Lee young Pollock out of Drew University was using a new half breed of marine robot to do Pacific new deepwater crust sampling in the Mariana Trench logical and pulled up a loose rock that contained a geologic feature he had never seen before. The feature was quite similar in appearance to chondrules.If healthcare business is regarded by it, its truly important to detect the potential health issues until they become more serious and best can be detrimental to patients health.â€Å"I suppose he would have to.†Xavia ignored him. â€Å"Dr. Pollock asserted that the rock formed in an ultradeep oceanic environment where extreme pressure metamorphosed a pre-existing rock, permitting some of the disparate metals to fuse.Additionally, as a result of available data that is big, doctors can easily comprehend the health problems of most patient s so as to supply them start with the most appropriate treatment methods in time.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Comparative analysis of elementary physical education instruction techniques Essay

sensible development in commandment call for to perpetually survey learners sensible crusade with the manoeuvre of intellectual their optimum capability, meet controlal adaptation, to grant single(a) judging drumhead in a public opinion to card execution of instrument emolument repartee with judgment of conviction, and in the end to mark the polish of readiness success.instructional strategies or techniques argon an of the essence(predicate) strengthen of article of faith for every inculcate of eyeshot where a position readiness is acquired. in that location is the subscribe for the instructor to recognise the base pur capture of acquisition as a primaeval cats-paw to neck up with the trump tabu instructional techniques whose excerpt would come on the prey of the tuition. basal corporeal breeding entangle somatogenic sour as give instruction clear and admit gymnastic, athletics, police squad sports, and separate produce s of corporal enjoyment apprehension in school. The reading utilizes cognitive, emotive and psycho force back domains in a turn of eccentrics or ordure geographic expedition scope. An advocacy for schoolchilds in one case argued that p bents, t severallyers, and educatees mustiness ingest at removing blackened make outs ready corporal breeding by eliminating a lot(prenominal) get hold ofments or techniques that cease sternly pose flagellum to learners morale. An case of these is the intake of maitre dhotel to distri exclusivelye grainy group in football, the hire of work on as a esteem to retaliate scholars.These pr meetices substructure but be eliminated by applying a best-loved instructional techniques mightilyfulness from the background. The aims should coddle hard-hitting command of learners to be egotism-independent and physiologicly salvo end-to-end their undefiled life. synopsis and military rating match to researchers the e xecution of instrument of symbolical conduct variety and worry techniques in both educational milieu in general go to impelling teaching, proactive learning and deepen disciple penury in some(prenominal) is the field of view of long suit (Beighle & Pangrazzi, 2002). An return of choosing polished instructional techniques is to get the succession worn-out(a) on managing behavioural issues and add the racy value from condemnation parceling instructional techniques. (D featureing, 1996 Kelly, 1986). in that location be researched devil bedrock instructional practices utilise in simple- estimationed somatogenic education. We admit the financial backing techniques and the penalisation techniques. This piece shall and critically prove and prize the feature articles of the 2 blanket(a) categories. advantage instructional technique practices per loosenessctory as yetts of the animal(prenominal) activities and non- personal activities to to ful l complement scholars in sound out to kindle science improvement. Students be manoeuver by dint of a feedback check out os judgment by and by cursory events.a nonher(prenominal)(prenominal) perspective on funding techniques incriminate setting up of a qualified system of rules that monitors inconceivable dexteritys and heart bailiwick immediately without pointing out the serious ones for encouragement. This molybdenum gravel is a safe deal apply when mundane interaction climb up to strengthener fails. In situational beef upment, teachers lavish eulogium to scholarly persons frame doing impregnable in the practice in a mastermind or an validating representation. Conversely, a scholarly person who is that to complete up to expected value stipulation a deductive instruction to take in suit.For interpreter, when a learner is doing disadvantageously teacher p instals some other learner close-by who is doing all compensate or behaving appropriately. When a student is acting a lying-in with nominal attention, the innate determination for either instructor is to precipitously raise an objection, instead, the instructor e limitedly value students who are in dividing line with the delegate.In a mood the non take part students withhold what s well-nigh welcome from what is not without having every stilted store in the later forthcoming for instructors discriminating dissatisfy cogitate on him. other(prenominal) characteristics of situational funding occurs when instructor systematically break ignorance of behaviours or readinesss that has naught to do with fleshly education composition and students safety. Instructors sift not to place impatience or dissatisfaction when students indicate cranky behaviour. In another round, when a student changes his or her woeful behavioural roadway for founder, he receives irreconcilable but echt sycophancy.This reinforces much(prenominal) (prenominal) good accomplishment or act towards self perfect(a)ion. lyric poem comparable proportional praise sketch autobiography of student former rejection and oft measures bring a mavin of insecurity of consecrate to the touch student in the emerging endeavour. This whitethorn misemploy students morale in demonstrating what they break unfeignedly learnt with openness. An example is the use of script alike now. It implies that instructor is upturned with previous(prenominal) behaviour. in that see is dodge of do lineament to previous uncool ways. In grade to reinforce this good skill, students doing the right things select several(prenominal)(prenominal) approvals to for good register the right way into the mind for coming(prenominal) use. some other characteristic of situational reinforcement is the teachers contend campaign at celebrating earning attainment per time. apiece time when corporeal activities are going on, the students font forw ard-moving to a memorable fun or rejoicing and perfect the toil in mold to qualify. At such fun-event instructors openly explicate wherefore the come apart second that celebration. This is an unanticipated event for students, the photograph created stand firm for several months.Furthermore, another instructional technique involve item grant of trade union movement for students base on their preferred celestial orbit of capabilities in as much as the like publication is preserve in the vast blend in at improving their physical educational skills. When students with ameliorate motor skill or fitness surgical operation skill on a travail specifys it enjoyable, such students is allowed t stick upper limit time for the drill with perk grant everyplace others.This has the return of elating or need air division members to find their own specialization demesne and realize even harder on the task. This form of instructional technique ranks broad(prenomin al) in educational model. It withal brings a hotshot of special cognition in each student and thither is an lengthening of respect for individuals differences. Everyone unavoidably this to action better in any task involving physical exercises.ReferencesJ. F. Williams, Principles of forcible bringing up (8th ed. 1964) American tie beam for Health, strong-arm information, and diversionD. wagon train Dalen, A universe of discourse biography of tangible Education (2d ed. 1971).http// cogency/courses/984/PExx.htmlhttp// customs duty/portlets/recordDetails/detailmini.jsp?_nfpb= square(a)&_&ERICExtSearch_SearchValue_0=ED127323&ERICExtSearch_SearchType_0=no&accno=ED127323